Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Resolution

For 2012 I only have two resolutions: To update my blog at least once a week and. . .(drum roll)... The year for me to open my eyes and look at the "bigger" picture. Though being plus sized sets me away from the ordinary and makes me different from everyone else, it's not realistic anymore. I can still be "plus sized", but I've decided to be a healthier version of myself.

Here are some of my Pinspirations:

^This looks SOOO yummy, I had to add it.
here's the recipe:

I'm going to do it the healthy way; no more excuses. I know I can do it, I've been too used to comforting myself with telling myself that it is okay. My confindence is my best friend and also my worse enemy. I've tired of getting in my own way.. literally.

Ready.. Set.. GO!

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