A Tid Bit.

I’m Olivia.

First of all, I’m not your typical fashion/beauty blogger. I’m plus-sized and LOVE every bit of my curves. I'm 18 and a college student at an all-womens private college studying Fashion Communication. I’m also aspiring make-up artist in a world of strict educational backgrounds [which is why I go to college]. I have no clue what I actually want to be when I "grow up". Not because there's nothing that interest me but because EVERYTHING interest me. Things like fashion photography, buying, visual merchandising, styling, MAKE-UP. Cool stuff like that. I love life. Positivity is key. Realism is a must. I’m inspired by everything around me but most of all, I’m blessed to be given the gift of creativity and freedom to think outside of the box. My love for beauty and fashion stems as far as 5 years old. Barbies? Best things on the planet! I loved to manipulate the clothes and make them my own. I used to use finger nail polish as make-up for my dolls. I love when people tell my I can’t do something, I prove them otherwise. Just like the beautiful fashion and beauty icon, Audrey Hepburn said, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!”